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Laravel Breeze vs Laravel Jetstream: a fair comparison

July 2, 2024
Laravel Breeze vs Laravel Jetstream: a fair comparison

Laravel, a renowned PHP framework, offers powerful tools to handle various aspects of web application development. Among these, Laravel Breeze and Laravel Jetstream stand out as the primary starter kits designed to streamline the initial setup of authentication systems and more. In this article, we compare these two starter kits, highlighting their features, use cases, and how they cater to different developer needs.


Laravel Breeze

Laravel Breeze is a minimal and straightforward implementation designed to set up essential authentication features quickly. It offers basic but customizable APIs for login, registration, password reset, email verification, and profile management.

The default setup of Laravel Breeze utilizes Blade templates and Tailwind CSS for styling, but it also comes with options for Livewire components and Inertia.js with Vue or React .

Laravel Jetstream

Laravel Jetstream is a more comprehensive starter kit compared to Breeze. It includes advanced features such as two-factor authentication, team management, session management, and API support via Laravel Sanctum.

Jetstream is built using Tailwind CSS and offers two frontend stacks: Livewire with Blade and Inertia.js with Vue. This flexibility allows developers to choose their preferred method of building dynamic web applications .

Key Features and Differences


Both Breeze and Jetstream provide robust authentication systems.

However, Jetstream goes a step further by including features like two-factor authentication and session management out of the box.

Breeze covers the basics well, making it suitable for smaller projects or those that do not need advanced authentication features.

Team Management

Jetstream includes team management capabilities, allowing users to create and manage teams as part of the application.

This feature is especially useful for applications that support multiple users or collaborative environments.

Breeze does not offer built-in support for team management, focusing instead on individual user actions .

Frontend Stacks

Laravel Breeze

  • Blade with Tailwind CSS: The default stack for simplicity and ease of use.
  • Livewire: For dynamic, real-time interfaces without needing a full JavaScript framework.
  • Inertia.js: Allows the use of Vue or React, combining the power of SPAs with Laravel's backend simply.

Laravel Jetstream

  • Livewire with Blade: Similar to Breeze but with more built-in features.
  • Inertia.js with Vue: Provides rich, single-page SPA-like experiences, leveraging Vue's capabilities.

API Support

Jetstream integrates Laravel Sanctum to manage API tokens, offering a straightforward way to authenticate Single Page Applications (SPAs) and standard APIs.

Breeze provides a more minimal approach without dedicated API management features .

Use Cases

Laravel Breeze

  • Small Projects: Ideal for small projects or applications that do not require complex authentication systems.
  • Learning: Great for developers new to Laravel, providing a simple environment to learn and understand the basics.
  • Customization: Provides full control over the implementation, allowing more customization as needed.

Laravel Jetstream

  • Large Projects: Best suited for larger applications needing comprehensive features out of the box.
  • Teams and Collaboration: Built-in team management makes it perfect for collaborative applications.
  • Advanced Security: With features like two-factor authentication, it is ideal for applications requiring higher security measures.

Feature Comparison Table

Feature Laravel Breeze Laravel Jetstream
Purpose Minimal authentication starter kit Feature-rich and customizable authentication scaffolding
Features Basic authentication features Additional features like team management, API support, two-factor authentication, etc.
Frontend Blade views Polished and modern interface with more customization options
Stack Tailwind CSS Supports both Livewire and Inertia.js for dynamic web applications
Complexity Lightweight and easy to set up More advanced and suitable for complex projects

Choosing between Laravel Breeze and Laravel Jetstream depends largely on the project requirements and the desired feature set.

Laravel Breeze offers simplicity and ease of use, making it suitable for smaller projects or those needing minimalistic authentication.

On the other hand, Laravel Jetstream provides a broad range of features out of the box, making it ideal for larger applications requiring advanced authentication, team management, and robust API support.

By understanding the strengths and specific use cases for each starter kit, developers can make an informed decision that aligns with their project needs and development workflow .

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